TGR Shopping MallThis shopping area has been slow, and sometimes non functional and because of this I have also created a shop by category and categories are broken down by store. You can visit that page here. If you are searching a product, please allow some time as we search hundreds of thousands of items to find what your looking for. Browsing by store and catagory gives faster results. |
This convenient shopping area is in its infancy stage. please feel free to test it out. You can search for a product you are looking for in the search box, and it will search all stores and deliver a page or more of that product for shopping purposes, which you can click on and it will deliver you to the store that has the product you have chosen. Or, select your favorite store from the list and shop from there, no more searching or typing in domain names. For example, if you were searching for a canon digital camera, try entering - canon rebel eos xt - into the search box above. This will return several pages of Canon EOS cameras and accessories. We will be adding more stores and features in the near future, and hopefully soon we will also have a price comparison feature. So please, surf it a while, play with it, and send us your opinions. |
Website updated in whole or in part daily
© 2003 The Gourd Reserve ™
Web Design by Dan Dunkin