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The Gourd Reserve's

Shopping Mall

The Old Shopping Mall

We have changed the shopping mall a little bit.  It was being served by Golden Can which gave some enhanced features like search capabilities, but it came with issues and problems and many times we would test it, and it just didn't work.  It was also very slow and cumbersome much of the time.  Instead what we are now doing is simply giving links to stores in categories so you can quickly and easily go to different stores without Google searching, typing into the address bar, or surfing a series of links to get to the various stores. If you would still like to use the Old Shopping Mall you can find it here.

We hope you enjoy all the gourding information we have to offer on our website as well as our forums and the free hosting of your artwork and pictures via the gourd artists showcase as well as the forum gallery.  We would like to thank you for using our shopping links as they help to support our efforts and allow us to present such a large and diverse service to the gourding community.  Thank you for using our shopping mall.


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