Organic Fertilizers
Mulching with Grass: Grass clippings will also produce lots of organic fertilizer as worms and molds
break it down and carry it's decomposed by-products into the ground. You may have heard of using worm wee or doo-doo for fertilizer, worms
love grass clippings and in the winter they will feast on leaves. Leaves are also a great organic fertilizer, we once covered our garden in
about 6 inches of leaves in the fall, and by spring there was a small ground covering less than 1/8 inch thick, in some area's the leaves were
entirely gone, and the ground looked like Swiss Cheese where the night crawlers came through, and surprisingly there was little or no weed growth
where the leaves were spread. When we tilled, there were worms in countless numbers as they multiplied on their own in vast numbers due to
the rich supply of food. Needless to say the Robins loved us. One garden shovel full of dirt would commonly turn up 5-10 night crawlers,
and the soil was soft, moist, and rich looking and our gourd vines were the healthiest vines we had ever grown.
Mulching with grass is tremendous, it provides lots of nutrients, the worms will multiply and take care of the excess, and if
applied deep enough, it will keep the weeds out of your garden as well as putting a burden on your cucumber beetles. It is natural and will
not harm the ground, as long as you apply it to the surface of the ground it will provide nitrogen and other essential components your gourd
vines, (and vegetables) need. During the season, you will need to continue adding more mulch as it will decompose, and the worms will eat
it faster than you might realize.
Fish Emulsion: Another tremendous fertilizer is fish emulsion. We use a liquid fish emulsion in liquid
form that is used as a topical fertilizer. In other words, you spray it on the vines and leaves, and the gourd vines will absorb the
fertilizer. The actual chemical numbers are low in fish emulsion, like 1's & 2's, but the fact they are topically applied make them
very effective. Another nice thing about natural fertilizers like this is you cannot burn your plants with them. We purchase concentrated
fish emulsion to which you only ad a few ounces per several gallons, and use and Ortho Garden sprayer that attaches to your hose. I have
actually spilled the concentrated fish emulsion on my gourds, and it had no ill effect. Once you spray the vines with this, you just might
see a dramatic effect in 2 to 3 days, especially if your having a problem due to poor soil conditions. I've sprayed stunted corn that was
1/3 the size of the rest of the crop, and within a week the stunted corn shot up to nearly the size of the rest of the crop. It was too
little too late, but what a dramatic effect. You might notice your vines taking on a deeper green, growing faster, etc. Although the
instructions say to spray every few weeks, I found that spraying once a week helped to continue a healthy crop, and a very productive fruiting
There are lots of other fertilizers, however the organic fertilizers seem to be the safest, and even the most effective to
use. Mulching with grass, we've found you can grow the same crops year after year in the same area, and have very healthy vines.