Gourd Identification Charts
This chart presented for educational purposes
This Gourd ID chart was a labor of love. If began by spending days of searching the internet for different lagenaria
types, those already known by us and others that we know to be common varieties but needed an accurate representation for as well as
searching several web sites and other known resources to acquire the mean or average size, height, or length of each gourd. Once this
information was gathered, a scale was determined for the purpose of making each variety as accurate as we possibly could in relation to its
size when compared side by side with another. The scale was determined and used for the first two pages to display the medium and large
sized gourds at approximately 1 cm= 3 inches. If we used this same scale for the smaller gourds, the smallest ones would be difficult to give
and accurate representation of that people would be able to see and appreciate, so the third page was done in a scale to approximately 1 cm=
1 inch, which gave us 3 pages representing 34 different varieties of hard shelled gourds. (article continued below)

Digital chart © Dan Dunkin 2003
The Gourd Reserve.
Use of this chart by permission only
Use the
Gourd ID Chart
On your website for free!!

Copy and paste this code to
your website to display the Gourd ID Chart (do not alter code in any
Once the scales were determined, using Paint Shop Pro, a separate graphical canvas was generated
for each individual gourd, and each one was drawn using a mouse since I don't own a digital art pad, each one was carefully depicted to
scale, then shaded to give the appearance of shape. Once each gourd was drawn and painted, the full scale pages were created and layer by
layer each one was placed on the paper. Many different layouts were tried to see what would have the best eye appeal, uniformity, and to
make sure the page did not look top heavy.
The process in all took approximately 6 months as it was a digital art learning experience and required many hours of research
and layout preparation in order to give the completed project its final look. The Gourd Reserves charts have been displayed in gourd
magazines, including Through the Gourdvine and The Gourd, a publication of the AGS. When the chart was finished, we did print a few out and
sold them at festivals and online, but when our photo printer died we ceased to sell them. This chart is now available for free to website
owners and local and national societies for the purpose of educating people in this fine hobby, and to help to establish a standardized naming
system. Many of the gourds shown on this ID chart have several names, we selected the most universally known name for each of the
Dan Dunkin