Gourd Cactus Planter
Day 1
I didn't consider taking the pictures to journalize the progress until the initial cuts were made. So, for the benefit
of seeing the gourd before it was finished, I set the pieces in place and took this picture. It actually may have worked
out better because the cuts to be made are clearly seen. Tools used, hack saw, hand held power sabre saw, and X-acto knives
for making the sharp pointed corner cuts
After all the cuts were made, I lined up the pieces so each pieces could be seen. I was invisible, but my hands were
required to hold the gourd up due to it's round bottom. |
Next I took the neck piece of the gourd to use as a base for the round bottom gourd. This I envisioned before starting, a
cactus planter with a stemware appearance. This is a side view showing the actual cut, instead of a flat cut bowl, I wanted some
curve and character. |
The initial placement of the gourd on the base shows the base to be a little off camber making the gourd uncentered. I
don't mind a little off-centering as this reveals the hand made effect, but this is too much. A little sanding on the base with
the disk sander will level this out quickly. |
This is the back side of the same piece. |
Allowing nothing to go to waste, the pieces cut from the raised back side will be used by Carmella to make jewelry pieces.
The larger piece will probably be a barette and smaller pieces will be earrings. |
Here Carmella is using the disk sander to shape and smooth out the edges of the jewelry pieces. I wish she would hurry up
and finish so I can use the sander. (tap, tap, tap....) |
OK, she finished with the sander so I flattened and leveled the base piece, now I'm using a flap sander on an 18 inch extension
bar and drill to sand the loose stuff and smooth out the inside of the gourd. |
In this close up you can see the difference between the sanded area and the unsanded area. These flap sanders really cut
through the work rapidly and leave a fairly smooth finish inside. |
More will be added on a daily basis, if I get to work on the gourd daily. Sundays excluded of course, I keep Sundays
for the family, worship, and relaxation. Relaxation may include working on my gourd some, but not posting any additions to the